Where Did My Creativity Go?

Where did My Creativity Go?

It was funny.  We both laughed as we walked to our cars.  Because I was using a cane to walk, the lady had graciously held the door at the bank open for me.  Usually, it’s the man who holds the door for the woman.  But the cane changed all that.

Why the cane?  Well, if you follow my blogs, you know they disappeared three weeks ago.  How does one write a blog when on a hugh dose of heavy-duty pain meds?  For me, I couldn’t write anything.  In fact, for two weeks I did very little except sleep and do what the physical therapist told me to do when she was here at the house.

You see, I had just survived what the pre-op nurse called “a violent surgery.”  I had my left knee replaced.  She said it was violent for a number of reasons and if I were really interested, I could watch the operation on the internet.  Thanks, but no thanks.  I know they had to saw off the ends of two major bones in my leg–that’s enough violence for me.

I thought I could handle pain, so I skimped on the pain meds–until the therapist said I had to take them so the pain wouldn’t get ahead of me.  It almost did.  I never felt pain like this before, but the pain was on a timer.  Almost to the hour, two weeks after surgery the pain left, and so did the pain meds.

Now it’s just the irritating sense that my knee is twice the size it should be, but they tell me that’s on a timer as well.  Two more weeks until my final check-up and at that point, everything should be working normally..  Can’t wait!

What surprised me the most so far is what happened to my creativity.  I had looked forward to the time off and had so many things I wanted to work on.   But I just couldn’t find the creative part of me.  Maybe I just had to wait for the anesthesia and the pain meds to “get out of my system.”  I’ll try to find my creativity in time to write next week’s blogs.

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7 Responses to Where Did My Creativity Go?

  1. Jean says:

    Praying for miraculous healing and return to normal soon. You are a gift to many, including me.

  2. Holly says:

    Hi Dr. Stoop,

    Just wanted to let you know that I am praying for your creativity to return….and for your knee!!! I hope you feel better very soon.

    In Christ,

  3. Keri says:

    Really love your blogs and, yes, did miss them! Hope you are feeling much better. Take care of yourself!

  4. Debbie says:

    Thank you Dave for sharing. That would be a big surgery for anyone. Take the time & care for yourself. We look forward to your return both in writing & recording.

  5. p raynor says:

    Best wishes for a complete recovery that arrives on time!

  6. Larry A. Smith says:

    Dear Dr. Stoop
    I’ve appreciated you for many years but miles and a health have kept me away. We live nearly at the foot of Mt. St. Helens. I still have notes from your classes. Perhaps when we
    make our final graduation the Lord may ask you to teach on the bank of the River of Life!
    Take care of that knee and your overall health. Life too quickly passes and only what’s done for Jesus will last.
    Rich Blessings

  7. Mariela says:

    Hi Dr. Stoop, I am sorry you are in discomfort , which is expected under the circumstances. Be a good patient, promise? It will get better . Mariela

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