Porn on the Brain

Porn on the Brain

How can we call compulsive use of pornography an addiction?  There is nothing being injected or ingested intp our bodies.  But research shows that, like gambling, overeating, hoarding, and shopping, the continued use of pornography leads to what is now being called a “process addiction.”  In each of these process addictions, a person becomes addicted to a set of behaviors which powerfully alters their brain.

Whether it is a man who is stimulated by a visual image or a woman who is stimulated by the emotion contained in an erotic romance novel, neural pathways in the brain related to the sexual content become widened.  As a person repeatedly reinforces these pathways, they become deeper and deeper ingrained.  Eventually, pathways God intended for intimacy become overly sexualized.

In our brain, there is a reward system called the ventral tegmental area, or VTA.  It’s task is to manufacture the neurotransmitter dopamine and make it available to the body, and especially to the brain.  This happens in a number of ways, such as when we are anticipating eating, or drinking.  It primarily responds to anything pleasurable, including our response to all addictive drugs.  t When we experience an orgasm, the brain chemistry is the same as what a person experiences using heroin or cocaine.  It is this response that leads to the process addiction.

When someone is viewing pornography, the hypothalamus and VTA activity are both elevated, which is what causes the pituitary to release dopamine.  The anxiety and tension felt while a person is viewing pornography also increases the activity of the amygdala.

In addition, masturbation seems to be the key in porn addiction.  First, the visual system is activated when someone looks at porn.  Then the motor system and the sensory system are turned on through masturbation.  Then the neurological system kicks in as the feeling of euphoria results from the release of oxytocin, vasopressin, and dopamine.  This is the bonding cocktail in the brain, only now the bond is with a visual image, not a real person.

The result is that more than half of the pornography users report they have lost interest  in sexual intercourse, as have a third of their spouses.  Many of the men can’t perform with their wife–a real person–without the use of Viagra and similar drugs.

Both Jesus and Paul contrast a life that involves the immorality of pornography with a life of purity and righteous living.  God’s path is designed to take us where our sexuality was meant to lead us–to a monogamous, intimate relationship with our spouse.

Question:  What surprises you about pornography’s impact on the brain?

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2 Responses to Porn on the Brain

  1. andre says:

    Hello Dr. Dave,

    Several months ago, you mentioned that you taught a class at Fuller which dealt with the process of individuation. Is there anyway to get a copy of the reading list for that class? I would like to do some professional training with teachers in terms of teaching them about the process of individuation and how it can help them with classroom management; your reading list might be helpful. Thanks. Andre

  2. Linda Seelhorst says:

    Hi Dave, I was recently directed to NewLife through a friend. I met you in a “Lay Counseling” class at South Coast CC or in early Mariners Days. Our daughter in law just told me at her birthday lunch 2 weeks ago that our son has been having affairs for seven years and that his “problem” goes way before that. I refer to that lunch as a bomb since I was totally blindsided and she asked that we not discuss this with him. They need help, he needs help (if the allegations are true) and WE need help in how to deal with this information. I just bought the book “Every Man’s Battle” and paid more for delivery to get it befor our lunch in two days. We live in SJC and would love to meet with you before we meet with our son in two days.

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